Release notes

Short summary of changes for each version of ms-lims. (starting from version 7.5)

Changes in ms-lims 7.7.7 (oct 18 2012):

  • check the modification conversion table in the database first for conversion definitions
  • changed the error logging to only log warnings and above

Changes in ms-lims 7.7.6 (may 23 2012):

  • DEPENDENCY CHANGE: Updated dependency to mascotdatfile version 3.3

Changes in ms-lims 7.7.5 (may 23 2012):

  • DEPENDENCY CHANGE: Updated dependency to peptizer version 1.8.2.

Changes in ms-lims 7.7.4 (April 6 2012):

  • DEPENDENCY CHANGE: Updated dependency to Rover version 2.3.6.
  • BUGFIX: Deleter tool only empties projects now, doesn’t delete the project table anymore, also updates when the project was last modified

Changes in ms-lims 7.7.3 (March 28 2012):

  • BUGFIX: fixed a nullpointer exception in configurationGUI

Changes in ms-lims 7.7.2 (March 21 2012):

  • BUGFIX: fixed a problem with streams when storing mascot distiller files
  • BUGFIX: fixed a bug with first time configuration

Changes in ms-lims 7.7.1 (March 12. 2012):

  • FEATURE: added a tool to remove quantitations/identifications/spectra/projects
  • FEATURE: added two columns to the quantitation file table to store the version number of rov files and to store the binary file generated by mascot distiller 2.4
  • FEATURE: added support for mascot distiller 2.4
  • FEATURE: added support to connect to a mascot webserver (with thanks to Henk van den Toorn)

Changes in ms-lims 7.6.9 (February 1. 2012):

  • DEPENDENCY CHANGE: Updated dependency to MascotDatfile version 3.2.9.

Changes in ms-lims 7.6.8 (December 21. 2011):

  • DEPENDENCY CHANGE: Updated dependency to Rover version 2.3.5.

Changes in ms-lims 7.6.7 (December 20. 2011):

  • DEPENDENCY CHANGE: Updated dependency to MascotDatfile version 3.2.8.

Changes in ms-lims 7.6.6 (August 25. 2011):

  • DEPENDENCY CHANGE: Updated dependency to Peptizer version 1.8.1.

Changes in ms-lims 7.6.5 (August 11. 2011):

  • BUGFIX: added static call to cleanUp MascotDatfile tmp files at startup.

Changes in ms-lims 7.6.4 (July 4. 2011):

  • DEPENDENCY CHANGE: updated Mascotdatfile dependency to version 3.2.4 which has a dedicated tmp folder that is automatically cleaned.

Changes in ms-lims 7.6.3 (July 1. 2011):

  • FEATURE: added the msf-storer that integrates the Thermo Proteome Discoverer in ms-lims

Changes in ms-lims 7.6.2 (June 20. 2011):

  • BUGFIX: fixed total ion intensity calculation for the Thermo FT-IR storage engine

Changes in ms-lims 7.6.1 (May 3. 2011):

  • FEATURE: added new Thermo FT-IR storage engine

Changes in ms-lims 7.6 (April 24. 2011):

  • SCHEMA CHANGE: updated Validation architecture and integration with Peptizer-1.8
  • SCHEMA CHANGE: ms-lims properties and modification-conversion can now be managed in the database

Changes in ms-lims 7.5.5 (March 24. 2011):

  • DEPENDENCY CHANGE: updated Peptizer and MascotDatfile dependency to version 1.7.8 and 2.3.3 respectively.

Changes in ms-lims 7.5.4 (March 21. 2011):

  • DEPENDENCY CHANGE: updated Peptizer dependency to version 1.7.5.

Changes in ms-lims 7.5.2 (November 3. 2010):\

  • FEATURE: A new storage engine for Bruker MicroTOFQ has been created. Furthermore, the Bruker Ultraflex storage engine has been changed moderately to support a wider structure of MGF files.

Changes in ms-lims 7.5.1 (Octobre 21. 2010):

  • FEATURE: Proteowizard export of MGF files exclude the trailing ‘+’ or ‘-‘ sign. This minor release corrects this variation and this release thus functions with MGF files generated by Proteowizard.

Changes in ms-lims 7.5 (Octobre 8. 2010):

  • FEATURE: Created the scan table to persist spectrum retention time in the database schema.
  • FEATURE: Created variables for the mass-to-charge ratio and the charge value for each spectrum.
  • FEATURE: Updated one-to-one validation of Peptizer validation into ms-lims. Furthermore, comments are automatically generated based on Agent results.
  • DEPENDENCY CHANGES: Utilities-3.12, MascotDatfile-3.2.1, Peptizer-1.7.1