MAPPI-DAT workflow

Project Description

MAPPI-DAT (Mappit microArray Protein Protein Interaction- Data management & Analysis Tool) is an automated high-throughput data management and analysis system for microarray-MAPPIT system. MAPPI-DAT is capable of processing many thousand data points for each experiment, and comprising a data storage system that stores the experimental data in a structured way.

MAPPI-DAT application include graphical user interface. The analysis system is comprising of three steps: normalization, analysis and post filtration. The management system contains a back-end relational database and retrieval system, allowing user to store and download different projects using MAPPI-DAT interface with three main divisions for analysis, database submission and retrieval.


MAPPI-DAT: data management and analysis for protein-protein interaction data from the high-throughput MAPPIT cell microarray platform” Surya Gupta, Veronic De Puysseleyr, José Van der Heyden, Davy Maddelein, Irma Lemmens, Sam Lievens, Sven Degroeve, Jan Tavernier, and Lennart Martens. Bioinformatics 2017; 33 (9): 1424-1425, PMID: 28104627

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Python project: MAPPI-DAT project can be downloaded from MAPPI-DAT.

Windows stand-alone files: window compatible .exe files can be downloaded from:

database schema: MySQL schema for the MAPPI-DAT can be downloaded from here

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See the manual for further information about how to use the tool.

Sample data can be downloaded from here

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Project Support

MAPPI-DAT project is supported by:

Compomics VIB Ghent University
compomics vib ugent

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