Installation instructions
Before you try to install the iceLogo server you must have a fully functional Tomcat (or similar) server installed
- Copy the created icelogoserver.war file to your local Tomcat/webapps directory.
- (Re)Start Tomcat.
- Download uniprot_sprot.fasta.gz from
- Unzip the fasta database to Tomcat/webapps/icelogoserver.
- Change the file (Tomcat/webapps/icelogoserver/WEB-INF/classes) so that the parameter “location” point to your Tomcat/webapps/icelogoserver folder.
- Change the file (Tomcat/webapps/icelogoserver/WEB-INF) so that the parameter “saveLocation” point to your Tomcat/webapps/icelogoserver/images/logo folder.
- Delete the icelogoserver.war file from the Tomcat/webapps folder.
- Now you can stop and restart the Tomcat server and the iceLogo server will be running. The web application can be accessed via http://localhost:8080/icelogoserver/main.html and the SOAP server via http://localhost:8080/icelogoserver/services/icelogo (These urls only works if your Tomcat installation uses port 8080).