Database updates
Save the ms-lims update scripts as .cdf and apply them by using the ConfigurationGUI in the ms-lims menu.
7.2 to 7.5 (2010-08-30)
- Create a new scan table to persist spectrum retention time.
- Alter the spectrum table to add two variables for the mass-to-charge ratio and the charge value
- Populate these fields and the new scan table with all existing data.
7.1 to 7.2 (2010-07-01)
- Update the package names for all StorageEngines.
- Create a table for quantiation_groups for n:n mappings between identifications and quantitations.
- Create a table spectrum_file table for BLOB dumps of the actual MS/MS spectra.
- Move all BLOB entries from spectrumfile to spectrum.
- Rename spectrumfile into spectrum.
7.0 to 7.1 (2010-03-01)
- Addition of two new columns: highest_peak_in_spectrum and total_spectrum_intensity
- Automatic population of these two columns
- Set both highest_peak_in_spectrum and total_spectrum_intensity to ‘not null’ status with a default of ‘0.0’.