Release notes
Starting from thermo-msf-parser version 1.0, all subsequent versions of the library are listed here.
2.0.5 (6 August 2013)
- added support for proteome discoverer 1.4
- support for files larger than 1 gigabyte has been finalized
1.0.8 (30 January 2013)
- BUGFIX for reading protein headers
- BUGFIX for creating spectra panels for XML files with incomplete tags
- BUGFIX for reading rawfiles with differing extensions
1.0.6 (20 April 2012)
- BUGFIX on ProcessigNodeParameter constructor
- removed cyclic dependency between Rover and thermo-msf-parser
1.0.5 (1 March 2012)
- Added support from PhosphoRS predictions
1.0.4 (1 November 2011)
- Updated SQLLite driver to support 64bit JVM
1.0.3 (14 September 2011)
- Fixed the Starter on Unix machines.
- Changed the mvn copy of the file (again)
- Enabled log4j in the Starter
1.0.2 (29 June 2011)
- Bugfix Resolved a bug where a there was a string index out of bound exception when a spectrum with no peaks was found.
1.0.1 (30 May 2011)
- Refactored the dependency management.
1.0 (27 May 2011)
- Initial release of the thermo-msf-parser library